กลับหน้าหลัก Foundation English I


Unit 1 : “A Slice of History”                                                                                                         
1. How did Stone Age people bake bread dough?

2. What is considered to be the first pizza crust?

3. What did the prehistoric people do with the flat bread?

4. What did the Europeans initially think of tomatoes?

5. What does “People in Naples didn’t stop there.” in paragraph 4 mean?

6. What made cooking pizza a difficult thing to do in 19th century Naples?

7. “Despite the danger, pizza was soon a big hit.” What is “the danger”?

8. How did pizza spread to America?

9. What does “a slice of history” mean?

Unit 2 : “Taking Pictures of the World”                                                                                      

1. Who is Annie Griffiths Belt?

2. How long has she worked for National Geographic?

3. What makes her photographs famous?

4. Does language seem to be a problem when she travels?

5. What did Belt mean when she said, “The camera is like a passport.”?

6. What does the idiom “break the ice” mean?

7. What is the one simple thing you can do if you don’t speak the language?

8. Who has Belt traveled with?

9. In paragraph 4, what does “it” in the last line refer to?
    Even bad weather can help people to connect when they are experiencing it together.

10. What are some of the things that Belt suggests you do if you want to be a photographer?

Unit 3 : “Megacities!”

1. According to the reading, how long ago did the first cities start?

2. What is the evidence that supports the idea that in 20 years over half of the world’s  population will live in cities?

3. What is a “megacity”?

4. What do “them” and “one” refer to?

5. Why is São Paolo mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 4?

6. What are the common problems megacities face?

7. Is Bangkok a megacity?  Does Bangkok have the same problems?

8. “Ilson da Silva is one man who has done this.” What has Ilson da Silva done?

9. “When he came to the city six years ago, he didn’t have a job.” What city is referred to here?

10. What is Ilson da Silva’s job now?

11. Why do Ilson da Silva and millions of other people decide to live in megacities?

12. Would you rather live in the city or in the country? Why?
  • <Your own answer>
Unit 4: “Tiny Invaders”

1.  According to the article, when do people start thinking about their bodies?

2.  What are the “tiny invaders”?  What do they do? Where can they be found?

3.  Two types of bacteria are mentioned. What are they?

4.  What is our first defense against germs?

5.  What fights against those germs that are inside our body? How can it/ they defend our  body?

6.  According to the last paragraph, what can we do to stay healthy?

7.  Why aren’t the germs in vaccines harmful to our body?
Unit 1 : “A Slice of History”                                                                                                         

1.  They baked bread dough on hot rocks.

2.  A flat bread

3. They put other food, herbs, and spices on the flat bread.

4.  They thought tomatoes were poisonous.

5.  They did not just put tomatoes onto baking dough.

6.  They didn’t use wood, gas or electric ovens. They used lava from a nearby volcano to heat rocks for baking pizza dough.

7.  Being burnt by the hot lava

8. Many Italians who moved to the USA brought pizza with them.

9. A part of history

Unit 2  “Taking Pictures of the World”                                                                                      

1. A National Geographic photographer

2. She has worked for National Geographic since 1978.

3. Their beauty and high quality

4. No, it doesn't.

5.  The camera allows her to break through the barrier/ culture.
     The camera allows her to enter other people’s world.
     Pictures are ways to connect her with people of all ages and nationalities.

6. To overcome any awkardness or shyness when you meet someone for the first time and start a conversation

7. Smiling.

8. Her two children

9. Bad weather

10. Studying and learning from photos taken by professional photographers

Unit 3 “Megacities!”

1. The first cities started about 5000 years ago.

2. In the year 2030, 60 percent of the world's people will live in the cities.

3. A megacity is a city with a population of over 10 million people.

4.   them refers to cities
     one refers to city

5.  Because São Paolo is a good example a megacity with the common problems megacities face.

6. traffic and housing problems

7. No. The population of Bangkok is still under 10 million.
   Yes it does.

8. He has found empty land in slums and built a one-room hut next to a garbage dump.

9.  São Paolo

10. He is a janitor.

11. Because living in megacities means hope for a better future.

12. Would you rather live in the city or in the country? Why?
  • <Your own answer>
Unit 4: “Tiny Invaders”

1.  When they get sick.

2.  They are the germs that make people sick. They are everywhere. They can be found on your desk, on your computer's keyboard, and in the air that you are breathing.

3.  Viruses and bacteria

4.  Our skin

5.  Our immune system.
     By looking for and destroy germs. Some of cells actually eat germs, but other cells make antibodies to keep germs from making you sick and help your body to find and kill germs.

6.  By eating a nutritious diet to make your immune system strong.
     By getting vaccinated.

7.   Because the germs have been killed or weakened and the dead germs can't make you sick.